Video is a powerful medium and Facebook ads are a great a great way to target your audience, so combined it would make sense that your marketing efforts would be hugely successful right?

We’ll that depends on what your marketing efforts are because some marketing efforts are more efficient than others depending on your goals. If your goal is some form of online conversion— this can be either an email opt-in, a webinar registration, a purchase, or a clickthrough then you should consider a more typical page post. Typical Facebook ads have stronger call to actions and are more clickable by nature.

However, you may be a bigger, more widely known brand, and your focus isn’t on direct marketing techniques but increase brand exposure and engagement — this is when you use FacebookVideo ads. Because less corporations use Facebook video ads, they are less expensive for same amount of traffic compared to a typical page post ad. They’re also very powerful as long as you remember to upload the video into Facebook rather than use some form of youtube embed.

An example of a business that would utilize Facebook Video ads well are franchises. This is because Franchises are already relatively known, and already have a system for conversion different than online conversions. They use video ads as an efficient means to stay relevant to their audience and to develop brand loyalty.

So remember, when deciding to utilize a Facebook Video ad campaign think about the overall strategy. A typical page ad works well for conversions and A video ad works well for brand exposure.

This is especially important if you’re trying to capitalize the exposure of your brand in a local market. For example, running video ads for the Bay Area, specifically, is great for chains and franchises because you can use Facebook’s custom audiences to completely take over the entire market in terms of brand recognition.